Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Wk 10 - 6105

I read a very interesting article on characteristics of the distance ed learner. The distance learner still needs to be intrinsically motivated and have a internal locus of control, the population of learners is becoming younger and more techno-savvy. Another interesting characteristic of the online learner is they should possess great interpersonal and communication skills, especially in typing. I had to chuckle at that characteristic because I have neither. I have such a hard time getting the thoughts out of my head and on to paper. Interestingly enough, I do a much better job verbalizing my thoughts. You would think that it would be the same, but it's not. Last semester I had a 25 page paper I had to write. The instructor gave us many questions to answer. When I was struggling, my husband would come over and read the question aloud to me and I could usually answer him immediately. Then he would say, "K, now type that." I don't know why but that made a HUGE difference.

The article also covered what online instructors need to do to meet the educational needs of the changing online learner. More inquiry-based learning such as WebQuests and social interaction through dialogue and conversations. There have been many times in this class where I have read the same article as someone else, but they picked up on something I totally missed. It has truly deepened my learning and understanding of the material.

Great read and very interesting article for anyone that plans on being an online learner or teaching an online course.

Here is the reference:

Dabbagh, N. (2007). The online learner: Characteristics and pedagogical implications. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 7(3), 217- 226.

Accessed 7/20/2010 at

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