Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Wk 12 – Final Blog Post

  • What is learning?


    People are not blank slates. We are always assessing the world around us. People have preconceptions (usually misconceptions) about how things work because we inherently want to make sense of the world around us. Learning takes place when the preconceptions are changed. The change can take place in many different places and can be caused by many different reasons. The classroom is one of the most formal settings in which we can change preconceptions.


    Learning also takes place when something new is introduced and you are able encode it properly to store it in long-term memory. Then be able to retrieve it when proper cues are presented. Also, as educators, we also need to recognize the role that experience and culture play in building one's knowledge. Experience and culture shape how we interpret given situations that, in turn, affect how we learn.


    Another way students learn is through expectation failure. They use an old strategy to solve a new problem that is similar to an old problem they had. However, it doesn't work therefore students learn because they have to actually think about the process and how to modify it to make it work with the new problem.



  • How can learning be best effectuated by a teacher/trainer?

    There are many ways that a teacher/trainer can best effectuate learning. I think the key is to mix teaching styles up since every learner is different. Here is a list of ideas a teacher can use.

  1. Linking new knowledge/information to previous knowledge
    1. Can be accomplished using advanced organizers.    
      1. Concept maps
      2. Venn Diagrams
      3. KWL charts
      4. Graphic Organizers
      5. T-chart
      6. Flow chart
      7. Time Line Chart
      8. Spider Map
  2. Motivate by showing the usefulness of what they are learning
  3. Provide a lot of positive reinforcement
  4. Using mnemonic devices for learning
  5. Breaking material into "chunks" to aid in processing new information
  6. Actively solve problems in groups or pairs and asking them for comparisons and explanations
  7. Telling stories or giving case studies
  8. Scaffolding


To conclude, there are many ways to learn and many ways a teacher can bring about learning. Having a strong foundation of learning theories and applying them can make any teaching situation successful.


I am currently designing a new AP Psychology curriculum and I am trying to apply all these different learning strategies to different lessons. I teach for 90 minutes and that is too long to sit and listen to a lecture, so the review of all the learning theories this semester has been really helpful to apply them to my new curriculum.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Wk 11 – Social Constructivism

  • What is learning?

Learning is when students are able to perform new tasks or act appropriately in new situations through assistance from an adult or more advanced peer.

  • How can learning be best effectuated by a teacher/trainer?

Learning can best be effectuated by a teacher or trainer by scaffolding. The teacher (more capable than the students) gives assistance to solve problems and gradually removes the assistance as they learn to perform tasks. I do this on a daily basis with Algebra 1 students. They watch me do an example, then we do a couple of examples together, then I give them practice problems to work on their own as I go around the class and help individuals that need extra assistance.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Wk 10 – Bruner

  • What is learning?

Learning is discovering new situations where old cognitive structures do not work to solve the problem in the new situation. Therefore we learn when we analyze the old cognitive structure and then modify it to solve the new problem.

  • How can learning be best effectuated by a teacher/trainer?

Learning can be effectuated by teacher when the teacher creates a situation where a cognitive conflict will occur for the students. Also using multiple modes of representation to present ideas makes learning more effective.

The first reading also made some really good points and I had one of those "ah-ha" moments. We really can teach anything to any student as long as we are teaching on their level. The reading was talking about some in-depth math theory that I remember learning in college. (Number theory, set notation, etc.) I remember finding some of the work quite complicated and difficult. I thought to myself that there is no way to teach an elementary student this. Then he went into examples and I remembered doing some the activities in elementary. (I was really fortunate to have outstanding math teachers all through school.) The author and my former math teachers took complicated math theory and broke it down so that an elementary student could understand it. When I was learning the theory in college, I never linked the two together and how simple it really is! Now that I have linked the two together, I am amazed. I wish I could have made this connection in college. We need more elementary teachers that get math and can teach it on the student's level.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Wk 9 – Situated Cognition

  • What is learning?

Learning is doing. When we can get in and get our hands dirty, we learn. Learning occurs when knowledge is applied to real-world situations.

  • How can learning be best effectuated by a teacher/trainer?

Learning through real-world examples and scenarios is very effective. Apprenticeships are also effective. During my student teaching, I was responsible for all the duties of my cooperating teacher and I learned the most about classroom management through student teaching than I learned from any book. I also learned that there is more to teaching than just having content knowledge.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Wk 8 – Case-based Learning

  • What is learning?

I believe one way students learn is through expectation failure. They use an old strategy to solve a new problem that is similar to an old problem they had. However, it doesn't work therefore students learn because they have to actually think about the process and how to modify it to make it work with the new problem. This is a perfect example of simplifying trigonometric identities or proving trigonometric identities. In math many student want the steps to follow on how to solve a problem, but with trig identities, no two are the same so it requires a deep understanding of algebraic principles to know how to modify the process to make it work.

  • How can learning be best effectuated by a teacher/trainer?

Telling stories or giving case studies is a great way to bring about learning. Every year when I am teaching trig, I tell my students a story about how a friend came over and on my way to answer the door I stubbed my toe. Then my friend proceeds to tell me how to make it feel better and she tells me to SOH CAH TOA, which stands for Sine= opposite/hypotenuse, Cosine = adjacent/hypotenuse, and Tangent = opposite/adjacent. My students always remember SOH CAH TOA.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Week 7 – Motivation

  • What is learning?
    • Learning can occur when the right motivational factors are involved. I believe attitude plays an active role in intrinsic motivation. Throughout my secondary education and undergraduate work, I was more extrinsically motivated to get good grades. Now in my graduate degree, I feel that I am truly intrinsically motivated to really learn the topics given to me. My attitude has changed because what I am learning is more relevant to help advance my career.
  • How can learning be best effectuated by a teacher/trainer?
    • I think the ARCS strategy models how we, as teachers, can design effective instruction.
      • Attention: Draw and hold through fantasy or curiosity
      • Relevance: To daily lives or future careers
      • Confidence: Make it challenging, but doable to build confidence
      • Satisfaction: Give opportunities to show off work

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Week 6 – Human Development

  • What is learning?


    Piaget theorizes that learning takes place when disequilibrium occurs and either through assimilation or accommodation schemas are developed and equilibrium is acquired through adaptation. This is similar to my original post where I said, "People have preconceptions (usually misconceptions) about how things work because we inherently want to make sense of the world around us. Learning takes place when the preconceptions are changed."


  • How can learning be best effectuated by a teacher/trainer?

    In the formal operational stage we, as educators, need to help students learn how to solve problems and be able to articulate that information to others. Also by having them actively solve problems in groups or pairs and asking them for comparisons and explanations. One way I accomplish this is in my classroom when a student has a problem solving a math problem, I will have a peer explain it to them. By doing this, they are learning to work together and the student that is explaining is then required to enter into formal operations by having to explain/articulate how to solve the problem.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Wk 5 – Schema Theory

  • What is learning?

    Students have preconception and misconceptions about how things work because we inherently want to make sense of the world around us. Learning takes place when preconceptions are changed. This change can take place in many different places and can be caused by many different reasons.

    Learning also takes place when something new is introduced and you are able encode it properly to store it in long-term memory. Then be able to retrieve it when proper cues are presented.

    Teachers need to help students "learn how to learn." As stated before, students sometimes construct meanings that are faulty or limited. On page 557 of Joseph D. Novak's paper entitled Meaningful Learning: The Essential Factor for Conceptual Change in Limited or Inappropriate Propositional Hierarchies Leading to Empowerment of Learners states that "the construction of new meanings [learning] requires that an individual seeks to integrate new knowledge with existing relevant concepts and propositions in their cognitive structure." Learning happens when we construct new meanings.

    As educators, we also need to recognize the role that experience and culture play in building one's knowledge. Experience and culture shape how we interpret given situations that, in turn, affect how we learn.


  • How can learning be best effectuated by a teacher/trainer?

    There are many ways learning can be best effectuated by a teacher/trainer:

  1. Linking new knowledge/information to previous knowledge.
    1. Can be accomplished using advanced organizers.    
      1. Concept maps
      2. Venn Diagrams
      3. KWL charts
      4. Graphic Organizers
      5. T-chart
      6. Flow chart
      7. Time Line Chart
      8. Spider Map

2) Motivating students by showing them the usefulness of what they are learning.

3) Using positive reinforcement to motivate students.

4) Using mnemonic devices for learning.

5) Breaking material into "chunks" to aid in processing new information.


Using a combination of strategies will be most effective.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Wk 3 addition

I forgot to add in an example for my week 3 blog post. Using mnemonic devices to help learn. In math there is the ever famous Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally for Order of Operations (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition, and Subtraction). My students have PEMDAS down, but I have found over the years that many students were having problems remembering how to find the domain of a function. Now me not being the creative type, but knowing I have many creative students I assigned an extra credit projects to my students. I had the class take the restriction for domain and put them to a song. The best one that came from the students was changing the words to Mary Had a Little Lamb. I am going to use it next year teaching.

Wk 3 - - CIP

  • What is learning?

    Students have preconception and misconceptions about how things work because we inherently want to make sense of the world around us. Learning takes place when preconceptions are changed. This change can take place in many different places and can be caused by many different reasons.

    Learning also takes place when something new is introduced and you are able encode it properly to store it in long-term memory. Then be able to retrieve it when proper cues are presented.


  • How can learning be best effectuated by a teacher/trainer?

    There are many ways learning can be best effectuated by a teacher/trainer:

    1) Linking new knowledge/information to previous knowledge.

    2) Motivating students by showing them the usefulness of what they are learning.

    3) Using positive reinforcement to motivate students.

    4) Using mnemonic devices for learning.

    5) Breaking material into "chunks" to aid in processing new information.


    Using a combination of strategies will be most effective.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Wk 2 -- Behaviorism

My idea on learning hasn't changed much over the past week, but my ideas on how learning can be best effectuated by a teacher/trainer needs additional added to it. I feel it is important for a teacher to provide a lot of positive reinforcement. I sometimes get caught up in the notion that if they do well on an assignment, then that is enough positive reinforcement for them. However, some students need a little extra and grades aren't as important to some as others. So to keep motivation high, I need to provide ample positive reinforcement for all students. For example, in my Algebra 1 class, I have students that have failed math for at least 3 years and have given up. They don't care about their grades, but when we play a game and I bring candy into the mix, the atmosphere of the entire class changes and I see much more participation. The key is finding reinforcement that works for each individual class.

Thursday, May 14, 2009


  • What is learning?

People are not blank slates. People have preconceptions (usually misconceptions) about how things work because we inherently want to make sense of the world around us. Learning takes place when the preconceptions are changed. The change can take place in many different places and can be caused by many different reasons. The classroom is one of the most formal settings in which we can change preconceptions.

  • How can learning be best effectuated by a teacher/trainer?

I believe that learning can be best effectuated by a teacher/trainer in two ways: 1) Linking new knowledge/information to previous knowledge and 2) to motivate them by showing them the usefulness of what they are learning. For example, in my pre-calculus class I build upon their previous knowledge of adding fractions when we are simplifying rational trig equations. (I will try to demonstrate with an example, but its hard to without the use of the equation editor.) They are given something like 1/1 – cos x + 1/ 1 – cos x to simplify. They tend to freak out seeing this the following conversation usually takes place:

Me (teacher): "How would you simplify 1/3 + 1/4?"

Students: "Oh that's simple, get a common denominator."

Me: "How do you get the common denominator?"

Students: "Multiply the denominators together."

Me: "Okay, so let's do the same with the trig equation."

From there most students pick it up.

The second way to effectively bring about learning is showing them the usefulness of the material. When I teach a unit on probability, I talk about gambling. Now of course I steer the conversation toward the house always winning, but students find that information useful.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Test blog

Testing Testing 1. 2. 3. . .