Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Week 7 – Motivation

  • What is learning?
    • Learning can occur when the right motivational factors are involved. I believe attitude plays an active role in intrinsic motivation. Throughout my secondary education and undergraduate work, I was more extrinsically motivated to get good grades. Now in my graduate degree, I feel that I am truly intrinsically motivated to really learn the topics given to me. My attitude has changed because what I am learning is more relevant to help advance my career.
  • How can learning be best effectuated by a teacher/trainer?
    • I think the ARCS strategy models how we, as teachers, can design effective instruction.
      • Attention: Draw and hold through fantasy or curiosity
      • Relevance: To daily lives or future careers
      • Confidence: Make it challenging, but doable to build confidence
      • Satisfaction: Give opportunities to show off work


  1. I agree with you about attitude. One of the things that drives me nuts sometimes with my students is their attitude about learning, life, everything! I was always interested in learning and motivated to do well in school, so it can be hard for me to understand where that attitude comes from. Through motivations like the ARCS strategy, we can target their attitudes directly and help them to be self-motivated to learn. That makes everyone's job a lot easier.

  2. @Trent: I think the difference between people who enjoy learning and those who don't can be a huge barrier. For a chemistry teacher, it's hard to understand why someone might not enjoy learning about chemical bonds and all that stuff. It certainly is a challenge to see the subject matter from the point of view of someone who really isn't interested.
