Monday, July 13, 2009

Wk 10 – Bruner

  • What is learning?

Learning is discovering new situations where old cognitive structures do not work to solve the problem in the new situation. Therefore we learn when we analyze the old cognitive structure and then modify it to solve the new problem.

  • How can learning be best effectuated by a teacher/trainer?

Learning can be effectuated by teacher when the teacher creates a situation where a cognitive conflict will occur for the students. Also using multiple modes of representation to present ideas makes learning more effective.

The first reading also made some really good points and I had one of those "ah-ha" moments. We really can teach anything to any student as long as we are teaching on their level. The reading was talking about some in-depth math theory that I remember learning in college. (Number theory, set notation, etc.) I remember finding some of the work quite complicated and difficult. I thought to myself that there is no way to teach an elementary student this. Then he went into examples and I remembered doing some the activities in elementary. (I was really fortunate to have outstanding math teachers all through school.) The author and my former math teachers took complicated math theory and broke it down so that an elementary student could understand it. When I was learning the theory in college, I never linked the two together and how simple it really is! Now that I have linked the two together, I am amazed. I wish I could have made this connection in college. We need more elementary teachers that get math and can teach it on the student's level.


  1. I am like you Becky, in that I wish a had made the connections early in my life. You said that you remembered doing an activity in elementary after being reintroduced to some examples of the readings. We as teachers need to remember the importance of your discovery; students when reintroduced to a topic should be reminded of what they have already learned and then build upon it.

  2. I really liked both of your comments. I love your definition of learning! It is so true that when an old belief doesn't align we make new ones. Thanks for your insight.
