Friday, July 17, 2009

Wk 11 – Social Constructivism

  • What is learning?

Learning is when students are able to perform new tasks or act appropriately in new situations through assistance from an adult or more advanced peer.

  • How can learning be best effectuated by a teacher/trainer?

Learning can best be effectuated by a teacher or trainer by scaffolding. The teacher (more capable than the students) gives assistance to solve problems and gradually removes the assistance as they learn to perform tasks. I do this on a daily basis with Algebra 1 students. They watch me do an example, then we do a couple of examples together, then I give them practice problems to work on their own as I go around the class and help individuals that need extra assistance.


  1. As a student I appreciate when teachers build the content and gradually make their way to the 'big stuff'. When they throw it all at you it is difficult. I try to scaffold with my students, especially when first introducing new programs.

  2. Although I agree with your theory on scaffolding, your example made me recall my own experiences with math, classroom examples, in class time, etc. The way math is taught doesn't seem to have changed in the last 20 years and it definitely didn't work for me then. It was when I left class and the problems got harder that I struggled and failed. If I had not found a teacher that could present math to me in a visual light, I would still be stuck and still hate math. I hope you do stray from the classic way of teaching math from time to time.
