Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Wk 7 - 6105

This week our class read an article about the trends of distance education. The article mostly focused on wiki's, blogs, and pod-casting. I post daily to my teaching blog on what activities we did in class that day. Wiki's I am a little more concerned about. I totally see there use in higher education where students are a little more mature. One of the class members (in the discussion group) related a story of a friend that had a class wiki and a student went to it and changed it to say derogatory remarks about another student. I can see that being a big issue in the k-12 setting. I know on my school blog, if anyone wants to post a comment, I have is set up that a email is sent to me first to either approve or delete the comment. That is one of the things our districts' appropriate use policy (AUP) stresses that we as teachers are responsible for EVERYTHING posted on our blog including student comments. So we have to take appropriate measures to block unwanted comments/material from appearing on anything school related.

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