Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Wk 7 - 6105

This week our class read an article about the trends of distance education. The article mostly focused on wiki's, blogs, and pod-casting. I post daily to my teaching blog on what activities we did in class that day. Wiki's I am a little more concerned about. I totally see there use in higher education where students are a little more mature. One of the class members (in the discussion group) related a story of a friend that had a class wiki and a student went to it and changed it to say derogatory remarks about another student. I can see that being a big issue in the k-12 setting. I know on my school blog, if anyone wants to post a comment, I have is set up that a email is sent to me first to either approve or delete the comment. That is one of the things our districts' appropriate use policy (AUP) stresses that we as teachers are responsible for EVERYTHING posted on our blog including student comments. So we have to take appropriate measures to block unwanted comments/material from appearing on anything school related.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Wk 6 - 6105

As I read about open courseware and how teachers and students could benefit from it, I thought to look up MIT's offerings for math and psychology. Most of the math classes were above what would be taught in a high school setting. (As I thought about it, you are probably not going to MIT if you need Math 950.) Their lowest offering was for Calculus and since I don't teach Calculus it is not going to do me much good. However, as I was researching psychology, they do offer quite a few courses for it. This could be a great resource to develop my skills as a psychology teacher. I was just playing around for about an hour and came up with all sorts of ideas I could use next year. For example, I feel I do not do enough cooperative learning in my class and one of the classes I looked at was read this article and discuss it within your group. I think it would be great for me to hand out some of those articles for my students to read and then have them discuss in small groups.

I also looked at USU's open courseware. They only had a doctoral level class for psychology and there was a math 1050 offering, but none of the links worked. I'll have periodically check back to see if there is more for psych or math.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Wk 6 - 6105

This week I learned about 2 new technologies. Slide Rocket and UStream. UStream looks like it has a lot of functionality and could have huge benefits for distance education and face to face education. However, for me right now it is not a reality because I don't have a camera. I don't have personal funds for one and my department is strapped for money. We have to buy our own batteries for our calculators.

Slide Rocket looked like it could create amazing slide shows that are a step above PowerPoint. However, it is only a 30-day free trial and then you have to pay. I can see my administrators saying that PowerPoint is "good enough". So I'm afraid that this week, I can't really use what I learned. However it is good to have it in the back of my head for future references.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Wk 5 - 6105

I just watched the workshop for Skype. While I have heard of it, it was great to see how it could be used in the classroom. For psychology next year, I am going to see if I can get some professionals to "visit" class via Skype. It cuts on transportation costs and time away from work for the professional. It has the potential to be a very useful tool.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Wk 5 - 6105

So I learned this week about Google Calendar. I am a big fan of the syllabus so I know what is going on for the whole semester and since my undergraduate work, I've always transferred what was on the syllabus to a monthly calendar to keep track of everything. If I have a spare minute, I'm going to transfer all the stuff from my paper calendar to the Google calendar. This is a great tool for students to utilize.

But I wanted to focus my attention to how a teacher could use this for distance education and since you can share the calendar with others, why not create a calendar for a class instead of a syllabus. I would prefer that if I was a student. Also since you can add a detailed description to any event or task, you can add all the pertinent information. Some details may need to be worked out, but I think it is a great idea.

On a side note. . . What would we do without Google nowadays? I don't think I know how to research any other way :)

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Week 4 - 6105

Web 2.0 is a great resource that I have yet to really explore how to use in my classroom. I haven't really explored the idea because getting into a computer lab is next to impossible at my school, but even if I am able to use my computer and project onto a screen, I think there are some great things out there just waiting for me to discover. Hopefully this class will expose me to some of the resources available.

Week 4 - 6105

I have been using a blog in my classroom for a while now to upload class notes, but I haven't tapped into the potential of blogs. For teaching math there are a few ideas out there how to incorporate a blog, but with my AP Psychology students the possibilities are endless. It is important on the AP exam that they write carefully constructed essays. A blog is great for getting them thinking and practicing writing essays for the exam. I think it would also be of great value for them to read other students writings and comment on them. It would also be very easy for me to make personalized comments to the students. This is something that is feasible to incorporate next year into my teaching.